; ; file: 0_ReadMe.txt ; FEW 6/29/14 Fred E. Wahl fred@wogwoe.com or Fred_Wahl@msn.com ; Notes on this MCCB ( Milpitas Community Concert Band ) site. This site contains a Form to be used to order a DVD and/or Blu-ray disc Movie version of the MCCBs Summer "Fiesta" 2014 Concert which I recorded and edited for you. Open the pdf file by clicking on it. Then use your computer to print a copy of the form. Fill that form in and mail it to me with your payment-in-advance. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Other files here include: free audio-only .mp3's of the "Fiesta" and "Honoring Women's" concerts. A .jpg image of the "Fiesta" video cover art. A .jpg image of the MCCB logo MCCB website: http://milpitascommunityconcertband.yolasite.com/